Each shoe and handbag has a number and a name that apply to each style. If any shoes you've found don't have this information, ask the seller for it. If he can't provide the style name or number, they are probably fakes. It's also possible to check the stitching on the Coach heels you like. Real Coach Shoes have clean, sturdy stitching. If you learn stitching that is crookedly done or flimsy-looking, the shoes most likely are fake.If you're shopping locally rather than online, you can even examine the logo on Coach Shoes or handbags in a given store or estate sale.
Any Coach handbags or shoes should have the correct logo, plus the signature letter C. Look closely, because even department stores like JC Penney and Kohl sell purses with G's or O's, instead. These are knock-offs. In addition, if the letter C's are off-center, cut off by the stitching or if the rows of letters aren't straight, then these aren't true Coach Products.Next, feel the material of the Coach Boots or handbags. Should they be truly Coach Products, you'll only find top-quality suede, leather or fabric on them. If the Coach shoes or handbags you're looking at have stiff or lightweight materials, they aren't Coach Products for a cheap price - they're fakes.
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